The Equine Hanna Somatics® BLOG

Relaxation, Topline and Thoracic Sling improvements after 2 weeks of DIY Equine Hanna Somatics!

Relaxation, Topline and Thoracic Sling improvements after 2 weeks of DIY Equine Hanna Somatics!By: Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C Published on: 07/14/2024

My horse can walk like a normal horse, and we are riding again! This work has had a profound effect on my mare, Madeira and I am eternally grateful...

Equine Somatic IssuesTestimonials
Relaxation, Topline and Thoracic Sling improvements after 2 weeks of DIY Equine Hanna Somatics!

Remarkable Results with Horses AND my Own Rehab after Meningitis

Remarkable Results with Horses AND my Own Rehab after MeningitisBy: Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C Published on: 01/15/2024

I am having remarkable results using your techniques with my horses and doing the Somatic Movements with my own body...

TestimonialsHanna Somatics (human)Instructional Video
Remarkable Results with Horses AND my Own Rehab after Meningitis

Grande Prixe Dressage Before/After Videos - Hanna Somatics for Rider & Horse

Grande Prixe Dressage Before/After Videos - Hanna Somatics for Rider & HorseBy: Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C Published on: 03/11/2020

Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel, Grand Prix Trainer, Rider & Coach: "EHS is a wonderful tool that really is available to anyone."

TestimonialsHanna Somatics (human)Instructional Video
Grande Prixe Dressage Before/After Videos - Hanna Somatics for Rider & Horse

EHS: A Tool for Developing Suppleness and Relaxation

EHS: A Tool for Developing Suppleness and RelaxationBy: Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C Published on: 02/01/2018

Sarah Martin, USDF Gold Medalist & Certified Instructor thru 4th Level

EHS: A Tool for Developing Suppleness and Relaxation

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